Če načrtujete družinski pobeg v Mar Escape Villa v Vinišću na Hrvaškem, vas čaka nepozabno doživetje. Ta osupljiva vila s štirimi zvezdicami je odlična le za sprostitev ob zasebnem bazenu, hkrati pa je odlično izhodišče za raziskovanje otrokom prijaznih dogodivščin, ki bodo nasmejale celotno družino.

Profesionalni nasvet: Hrvaške plaže so 99 % prodnate, zato ali spakirajte vodne čevlje ali poiščite uličnega prodajalca v središču vasi in kupite poceni tiste, ki bodo dneve na plaži naredili bolj udobne. Medtem ko ste že pri tem, razmislite o nakupu nekaj blazin za na plažo na osnovi pene.

Tukaj je 10 zabavnih dejavnosti za družine, v katerih lahko uživate med bivanjem:

1. Dnevi plaže v Vinišću

Vinišće ponuja mirne in plitve plaže, idealne za kopanje in kopanje otrok igrajte varno. marec Escape Villa je manj kot 5 minut naravnost hoje navzdol do glavne plaže - Plaža Vinski Mul, družinam prijazno zatočišče s kristalno čisto vodo in mirno obalo. Otroci lahko varno čofotajo naokoli, medtem ko se starši predajajo soncu, uživajo v osvežilnem kopanju ali koktajlu v bližnjem baru Kaktus, kjer strežejo tudi nekatere možnosti hitre prehrane, kot so burgerji, solate in pice.

Za pico, žare, morske sadeže in drugo okusno hrano prav tako na obali si lahko ogledate Konobo Porat.

Ljubljeva in Voluja Obe plaži sta tudi družini prijazni plaži, ki sta oddaljeni kratko vožnjo od vile Mar Escape.

2. Zabavne športne dejavnosti

Pojdite v hotel Medena Resort in uživajte v različnih zabavnih aktivnostih, od mini golfa do namiznega tenisa. Najem kajaka, deske za veslanje, vodnega skuterja ali parasailinga. Na plaži uživajte v naravni zaščiti borovcev pred vročim soncem. V sklopu nastanitve so na voljo sladoled, palačinke in kosilo.

3. Obiščite vodni park Dalmacija

Za družine, ki iščejo zabavo, je Aqua Park Dalmacija, ki se nahaja v bližini Šibenika, le 50 minut vožnje od Vinišća. Ta vodni park je del letovišča Solaris in ponuja tobogane, bazene in vodne elemente, ki bodo všeč tako otrokom kot odraslim. Zaradi živahnega vzdušja in različnih znamenitosti je popoln enodnevni izlet za tiste, ki iščejo zabavo in sprostitev na soncu. (Fotografija s Facebook strani Amadria Šibenik)

4. Pojdite na pustolovščino s čolnom

Najemite manjši čoln ali se pridružite vodenemu izletu za raziskovanje bližnjih otokov Drvenik Mali, Drvenik Veli ali celo Šolta. Otroke bo navdušila turkizna voda Modre lagune pri Drveniku Velikem in možnost kopanja ali snorkljanja v plitvem, kristalno čistem morju. V Vinišču lahko najamete čoln tudi brez izkušenj - Rent a boat PIKA ali Suri.

Profesionalni nasvet: Pojdite zjutraj in se vrnite do poldneva, saj je popoldan zaradi valov in plime nekoliko težje krmariti z majhnim čolnom.

5. Odkrijte Narodni park Krka

Odpravite se na enodnevni izlet v približno uro oddaljen Narodni park Krka. Lesene sprehajalne poti in slapovi, kot je Skradinski buk, so hit otrok. Uživali bodo v opazovanju rib v vodi in se odpravili na vožnjo s čolnom, da bi raziskali park.

6. Enjoy Kid-Friendly Fun in Split

On a rainy day or when you need a break from the sun, head over to Split. For some hands-on fun, visit Museum of Illussion and Froggyland, a quirky and fascinating museum featuring hundreds of handcrafted scenes with stuffed frogs that kids find endlessly entertaining (both places within 5 min walk to each other). Explore Diocletian's Palace and let the kids take a photo with the roman guards guarding the Peristil. 

Afterward, explore Marjan Forest Park, where you can rent bikes or enjoy an easy hike with breathtaking views of the city, especially from the newly opened Observation Deck. Finish the day with some gelato from Emiliana and a leisurely stroll along the famous Riva Promenade, where the whole family can soak in Split’s vibrant atmosphere.

7. Pirate Adventures in Omiš

Take a trip to Omiš (around 1h 20 minutes drive) for a pirate-themed adventure. Learn about the town’s pirate history and enjoy rafting on Cetina River and ziplining over really stunning sceneries - book it with Rafting Pirate.

For lunch (or dinner) check out Radmanove Mlinice, a local and tourist favourite right on the Cetina river bank, with great simple local food which both kids and adults will love. (Photo copyright Rafting Pirate).

8. Time for Legends: Dragon's Eye

Take a short drive to Punta Planka, where you can enjoy a picnic with stunning views of the Adriatic. It’s a peaceful spot where kids can explore the rocky shore while you soak in the serene surroundings. After the picnic is over, drive to Dragon's Eye Lake and learn about its legend, leaving the children imagination to run wild while gazing into the mesmerizing water of the lake.

9. Enjoy Family BBQ & Pool at the Villa

Mar Escape Villa’s outdoor facilities are perfect for a relaxed day by the private pool and a family barbecue night. Let the kids help prepare local seafood or meats from nearby markets, while you enjoy the villa’s stunning views of the bay. After dinner, play games by the pool or stargaze together to wind down the evening.

10. A Historic Adventure: Saint Nicholas Fortress

Visiting Saint Nicholas Fortress near Šibenik is an exciting and educational outing for families with kids. This UNESCO World Heritage site is not only a stunning example of Renaissance architecture but also a place where children can let their imaginations soar as they explore its storied walls and catacombs, and scenic surroundings. Accessible by a short boat ride from Šibenik, the journey itself is an adventure, offering panoramic views of the Adriatic Sea. Once at the fortress, kids will love learning about its history as a defense stronghold and spotting the wildlife that thrives in the surrounding waters and nearby St. Anthony’s Channel. It’s a perfect blend of culture, nature, and fun that the whole family can enjoy.

Pro tip:  you can also drive to Saint Nicholas Beach and admire the St Nicholas Fortress walls and take great photos on the splendid water walkaway, plus the area has a decent kids playground and small beach. 

From exciting day trips to simple, relaxing activities, Vinišće offers endless fun for families. Your time at Mar Escape Villa will be a perfect blend of adventure and relaxation, leaving everyone with cherished memories of your Croatian getaway.

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